We don’t really have the words this week for a fun intro. Friday was the gut punch. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg was a force for good and progress. What she gave of herself can only be honored by continuing her work. So let’s get to it. Have a voting plan (do it early if possible) and fight HARD for equality and progress. Now, we of course still have your dose of escapism because we all need small breaks. Let’s get to it.
In case you haven’t (or need a refresher) watch RGB. It’s a documentary on the incredible life and service of our national hero, Ruth Bader Ginger.
As self-proclaimed “lighting lovers,” We get very excited when a new lighting line drops. This time it’s from Becki Owens! Her canned pendants are SO GOOD. Check out her line here!
From Emily: Concrete ways to help. The wildfires in my home state (and future home) are destroying homes/lives all over. Some incredible person put together the list of all the go-fund-mes that are unfulfilled, mostly of small families. If you want a concrete way to help, I’m sure these families would appreciate it as they rebuild their lives.
From Mallory: Good pillows with lots of personality can be hard to find, ESPECIALLY when you’re looking for a lumbar pillow for some reason. I’ve got an upcoming MOTO (yeah, you heard that right), and have been feeling confused about where & how to bring in personality to the space. Well, my friends, I’ve been waiting for this lumbar pillow from The Jungalow to come back in stock (and it did!!) It ended up being exactly what I needed to start bringing in some style to the space. I can’t wait to show you the whole thing but in the meantime, go buy this pillow (you will not be disappointed!)
From Jess: Traditionally, I am a “laundry detergent only” person. It’s mainly because I am still confused and too nervous to use fabric softener and/or bleach. I mean what if I ruin my clothes!? I really can’t afford a new wardrobe. BUT a few months ago I did stumble upon this fragrance booster by Method that said it would make my clothes smell even more amazing and for longer (and it really does!) It’s such a dream since I never felt like my clothes ever held onto the detergent scent or was potent enough (I mean why buy a scented detergent if the scent doesn’t stick around??). The ginger mango scent is heaven (which was a surprise since the name is not something I normally gravitate to). Seriously if you also feel like your laundry should smell better, this is a GREAT option.
From Caitlin: Stackable. Wine. Fridge Bins. That’s it. That’s the recommendation. (I can fit 3 vertically in my fridge, AND horizontal storage is better for wine anyway, AND it opened up a ton of door space, AND it’s for sure the most affordable fridge organizing tool out there at under $9.)
Etsy has another incredible celebrity collab and this time it’s with the one and only Tan France! As to be expected it’s very chic and this vase/dish might be our favorite? It’s hard to choose. Check it all out here.
From Julie: This year hasn’t been for the faint of heart, it’s been a rough and wild ride that doesn’t seem to be slowing down or coming to an end anytime soon. Let’s just say it got the best of me and I was letting my anxiety/depression take me down for the count but there was a little part of me that knew I needed to change my ways so I took a cue from those around me like my boyfriend and started meditating. Five minutes a day in the morning right after I woke up is where I began and honestly haven’t gotten far past it yet but taking a moment to remember to breathe and take each moment as it comes, the good and the bad has helped me to handle these mental issues I’ve been struggling with on a lower level since high school. I am about to start the book, 10% Happier by Dan Harris (a suggestion by said boyfriend who is currently reading it), and am open to any others that you all might recommend. We all are a community and this is the time to lean on one another so send over those book titles my way and thank you!
Also From Jess: Everyone should listen to this episode of Black Frasier with Michelle Obama hosted by Phoebe Robinson. It’s absolutely wonderful, inspiring and important.
From Ryann: Are press on nails back??? Apparently they are in my world because I’ve been getting IG ads about these new hip companies that are making peel and stick manicures and they actually look good. In general, I am someone who really does not care for getting my nails done but I LOVE the way they look when I do. So when I saw these gel stick on nails I ordered them on a whim and now I’m very excited to try them out. I will report back with my review but in the meantime I am curious, is anyone else buying press on nails in lieu of going to the salon?
If you’ve been wanting to wallpaper but either the money or the “foreverness” of it all has been giving you pause, then you are in luck because Chasing Paper (known for their stick and peel wallpaper) is having a big 20% off sale on Tuesday 9/22 and Wednesday 9/23 (no code needed). Remember when Em used them in this project?
Also From Caitlin: One more! My friend Penelope recently founded People’s Pantry LA which manages weekly food distributions in NELA (seen in action here!). If you live in the area and have anything in your pantry to give (especially the basics, like bottled water or canned goods), please shoot them a note at peoplespantryla@gmail.com to schedule a pickup or dropoff! Their payment details are also in their Instagram bio if you’d like to donate directly. I’ve been lucky enough to watch this grow from an idea in July to a full-fledged operation today (literally, there’s a distribution today) that’s helped feed hundreds of families and it’s absolutely worth supporting if you have the means!!
If you’re reading this, thanks for sticking with us until the very end. Did we mention WE LOVE YOU?? See ya next week
Opening Image Credits: Photography by Chris Loves Julia for Hudson Valley Lighting| via Lonny
The post The Link Up: Caitlin’s $8 Storage Hack, Mallory’s New Pillow Purchase, and The Documentary We All Need To Watch (Or Rewatch) appeared first on Emily Henderson.
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