Thứ Ba, 31 tháng 3, 2020

43 easy cleaning jobs to do while in lockdown – for every room of the house

There’s never been a better time to clean our homes from top to bottom. Aren’t we all looking for ways to beat the boredom while in lockdown? What could be better than all those cleaning jobs on the to-do list.

Cleaning is a great way to pass the time and do good. Not only will our homes be spotless but cleaning is thought to be therapeutic – and therefore good to compact any anxiety we might have during these uncertain times.

Related: Aggie Mackenzie from ‘How Clean is Your House’ says we should do this to protect homes from coronavirus

We’ve complied a list of 43 easy-to-do cleaning jobs for every room in the house.

43 Cleaning jobs to do while in lockdown

We’ll start in the kitchen…

Cleaning jobs to do in isolation

Image credit: Mark Scott

1. Clean inside and outside your kitchen cupboards

It’s one of those jobs we all put off, right? Spend this time now to completely empty each and every cupboard. Washing the inside down with soapy water or diluted Zoflora.

2. Organise kitchen cupboards

Washing is the first job, re-stacking and reorganising the contents of the cupboards counts as a job in itself. Check the sell-by dates on all your food produce before you put them back. Depending how big your kitchen is, these jobs could be best split over a few days?

3. Wipe on top of kitchen units

No one sees the top but we all know the dust and dirt that hides there. Because it’s hidden its never a priority to clean, until now.

4. Deep clean the oven

I can’t be the only person who’s been planning to do this for ages and never gotten around to it?

Seize the day, read: How to clean an oven and hob – including the oven rack and glass door

5. Sort and soap the cutlery draw

Cleaning jobs to do clean out the cutlery drawer

Image credit: David Still

Take all the cutlery out and wash the drawer separator. If this is a removable design you can give the empty draw a quick wipe clean too. Putting all your clean cutlery back in place will feel all the more pleasing.

6. Empty and clean the fridge

Remove all items from the shelves and compartments. Take these out and give them a good clean, before restocking. Take it too new levels by adopting a ‘Cribs’ style orderly way of displaying the contents. Why not?

7. Defrost the freezer

Admittedly our freezers have never been so full, but now is the perfect time to get the job done.

Read more: Experts reveal the best ways to organise a freezer and store food to last

8. Clean the kitchen drainer

It’s often overlooked for cleaning, yet it’s used on the daily. Once empty give it a soak to ensure there’s no build up on it, and give the draining board beneath a quick wipe with disinfectant too.

9. Wash out the bins

Disinfect all household bins. From the general household waste bin to the recycling and food bins – give them all a through clean. We often find help to pop them in the shower cubicle or bath to do a thorough job.

10. Clean the washing machine

Clean the washing machine

Image credit: Tim Young

Take a break from your weekly clothes cycle and clean the actual machine.

See how here: How to clean a washing machine – banish mould, bad odours and residues

11. Clean the dishwasher

Forget the dishes for one afternoon and give the machine a clean.

Read more: How to clean a dishwasher with vinegar, tweezers and other surprise cleaning methods

12. Wipe down the microwave

Forget just a quick wipe, it’s time to give this kitchen gadget a good going over!

See how: How to clean a microwave with lemon, washing-up liquid, baking soda and more

13. Descale the kettle

Keep your kettle in good health to ensure a decent cuppa throughout the lockdown.

Read how here: How to clean a kettle with easy-to-implement methods

Now, let’s move on to the bathroom… oh, and don’t forget any cloakrooms or en suites!

cleaning jobs to do in the bathroom

Image credit: Trevor Richards

14. Clean the grout

We have enough time to do more than a quick spray, we know homeowners who are doing this so thoroughly – they’re using a toothbrush!

Read our top tips: How to clean grout in tiles – get wall and floor tiles looking as good as new

15. Deep clean pedestal bins

Rather than the weekly swish around with bleach remove the inside section as normal but clean the remainder also – the pedal, the inside of the lid, the base.

16. Bathe beauty brushes

You can’t buy specialist solutions to do the job, but in times of need standard soap and water will suffice. Simply wet the brush head and wipe with soap, repeat until the water runs cleans when rinsed.

17. Clear-out bathroom cabinets

Cleaning jobs to do in lockdown clean bathroom cabinets

Image credit: David Giles

We wouldn’t mind betting there are lotions and potions well past their sell-by-dates – taking up valuable cabinet space. It’s time to do a  stock check. While you’re cleaning any spills etc be mindful of what you put back into the cabinet once it’s clean.

18. Clean windows

How often do we clean bathroom windows properly? They mist up more frequently than other windows so it’s about time they had a good clean.

19. Tackle the bathroom taps

We clean our bathrooms often but there will also be jobs that we could spend longer on. Limescale on taps is up there.

Try this nifty trick: Remove limescale in minutes with ingenious 2p coin hack – loved by cleaning gurus

20. Remove the shower head

Another deep clean task to finally tick of the list. Remove and soak the shower head to ensure it’s thoroughly clean

21. Banish limescale in loos

Still got limescale? No matter how much limescale removing cleaner you use? This trick will change your life (we’ve tried it!)

Try this at home: Wave goodbye to limescale forever with the £1.49 toilet cleaning hack

22. Wash shower curtains

If your shower curtain got a bit of a whiff of stagnant water, quite possibly a trim of mildew? Pop it straight into the washing machine, solely by itself to ensure it’s cleaned more efficiently. Always check the care and cleaning labels first.

Next, the living room!

Cleaning in the living room

Image credit: Dominic Blackmore

23. Vacuum your sofas

Give the furniture a blitz with a vacuum cleaner. Remove the cushions, where possible, and really get into the cracks beneath the cushions. It’s amazing how much can accumulate there.

24. Dust picture frames

While you might give pictures a tickle with a duster every now and then, why not use this time to take them down and clean them thoroughly.

25. Vacuum picture ledges

Becoming very fashionable in recent years, a picture ledge is a fabulous way to creature feature walls. But what else they are fabulous at is collecting dust. Remove pictures and give the ledge a vacuum to remove the dust in the most effective way. Rearranging your pictures afterwards is also a fun job to do.

26. Wash door frames

Clean living rooms by washing door frames

Image credit: David Parmiter

Gently with a splash of soapy water, give the door frames a spritz to remove any unwanted mucky marks.

27. Clean the TV

We’ll be watching it more than ever, so ensure the best picture by giving it a good clean.

Tori Miller,’s small appliances expert, suggest, ‘grab your least favourite old t-shirt and spray it down with a natural cleaning solution such as bicarbonate of soda mixed with water, using the t-shirt to scrub away any unwanted dust or unseen germs on your TV and stand’

28. Dust book spines

Bookcases or shelves may look great, especially when colour coded, but they are a dust trap. Take the time to remove all your books, thoroughly dust them off, along the front and spine of each book.

29. Vacuum under the furniture

Taking a look under your furniture may shock you! It’s surprising how much dirt, dust and even crumbs can settle here. Get the vacuum under to remove the main culprits, then a mop if a hard flooring to give it a finishing sparkle.

30. Clean the windows

The window cleaner may do the outside frequently but what’s the bet we don’t do the inside half as often.

Here’s how: How to clean windows – get sparkling windows inside and out without streaking with our expert tips

31. Wipe clean house plants

While they are hugely beneficial to our wellness at home, house plants can harbour lots of dust. Give them a gentle wipe with a damp cloth to remove the dust, or even a quick shower in the bath.

32. Dust the skirt boards, dado rails and picture ledges

Move the furniture out and dust the skirting boards off properly. Do the same for dado rails and picture ledges.

33. Wash the curtains

Where you can, take the curtains down and pop them on a gentle cycle in the washing machine. This will remove the dust and give them a new lease of life, not to mention a fresh new fragrance.

34. High-shine the lights

Whether that’s giving them a proper dusting, rather the weekly once over, or vacuuming away the cobwebs. Better still taking them down where possible, such as with chandeliers, and washing them to restore their pristine shine!

Let’s head up the bedrooms!

Bedroom cleaning checklist

Image credit: Simon Whitmore

35. Vacuum the mattress

When changing the bedsheets (weekly) vacuum the mattress, lift it up and ensure you get all the dust lurking underneath too

For more read: How to clean a mattress – for a sweeter night’s sleep

36. Clean the blinds

Whether roller blinds or Venetian take them down and give them a thorough clean.

See how here: How to clean Venetian blinds – so they look ship-shape

37. Dust off your hangers

While we have the time let’s all live our best wardrobe life! Colour coded and all neatly hung. While you’re at it take each item off and give your hangers an individual dust off, that way the look will be even more effective.

38. Polish dressing tables

Take everything off the dressing table, sideboards or shelf and give the surface a thorough wipe over – soapy water will do the trick, or a splash of Zoflora to make sure it’s disinfected proper.

Once clean take time rearranging the items you’re putting back – are there beauty and hair products you NEVER use that would be better binned? Now is the time to sort the essentials.

Read more: An expert reveals if disinfectant, Zoflora, protects homes against coronavirus

Finally, the hallway…

hallway cleaning checklist

Image credit: Colin Poole

39. Sanitise the door handle

This has never been more important, than now. Ensure the front door handle is thoroughly cleaned inside and out after each use. This is a job you can do throughout the whole house, but the front door especially.

40. Clean doorbells and door knockers

Same applies here, it’s of upmost important right now to ensure anything anyone else is likely to touch is given a good clean.

41. Wash the door and the windows

Give the door, front and back a deep-clean. Wash the inside of the windows too to get them gleaming.

42. Shake out the doormat

Give this longstanding accessory a much-needed shake off – removing all the footfall dirt that stops here. A good doormat

43. Wash radiators

Give each radiator in your home a dust followed by a wipe with a wet cloth to clean them properly. Top tip – why not do so with a fabric softer and water mix, that way they will give off a delightful fragrance as well as heat!

Related: The best Instagram accounts for all the cleaning tips you’ll need during lockdown

Is there anything you feel we’ve missed? We welcome you to share your cleaning stories with us below.

The post 43 easy cleaning jobs to do while in lockdown – for every room of the house appeared first on Ideal Home.

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