Thứ Tư, 29 tháng 4, 2020

How Birdie Broke Her Arm + Where To Buy Cute Face Masks Since Everyone Asked

We had our first broken bone this weekend, and it really gave us some excitement. My little Birdie fell off her huge tumbling blocks while in ninja training with her brother. Somebody might have kicked the block as she was standing on it and about to jump and she landed wrong, fracturing her elbow. Charlie, her ninja master, felt AWFUL and many lessons were learned (mostly about the intensity that one needs to train their ninja proteges). Generally, we want them to take physical risks, learn how to fall, understand their body, physics/gravity, blah, blah, blah, so this is the first time we are wondering if maybe we should be more cautious. But like I said, I think lessons were learned and it’s also going to be fine.

Here are the questions that my friends keep asking so I figured you might, too:

  1. How did you know it was broken and that you needed to go to the ER? This is a good question as most parents have been in the “do we really need to go to the ER?” situation before. Answer: Birdie is TOUGH and has an extremely high pain tolerance (far higher than her ninja master or her ninja grandmaster if you know who I mean). She was shrieking in pain, wouldn’t let us touch it, or even come close to it (like SCREAMING at the top of her lungs if we even tried to look at it), and she went (even extra) pale. Since the hospital was 5 minutes away and we knew it was likely empty, it just felt like we should go sooner than later.
  2. How was it being at a hospital right now? Fine! I was so glad we weren’t in LA (for this minor break, anything major would have been a different story) as this hospital is so small and so close to our house. No one was in the waiting room and it felt very, very clean. Everyone wore masks and gloves (we didn’t have any gloves as this was our first public appearance in 7 weeks). We tried to be super friendly and grateful and just say thank you over and over.
  3. Were there any Covid-19 Cases? Not at the current time in the hospital, thank God. We know that there were 3 cases in the next town over but not sure if any of them were hospitalized and to be honest I didn’t want to know. If the answer was yes I would be more worried but it wouldn’t change how safe we were being (SUPER EFFING SAFE). But knowing that there were none there that day was a huge relief. They were very prepared, every room looked like it was ready for the pandemic, with having zipper plastic walls which I appreciated.
  4. How did Birdie handle it? Oh good, just GREAT. She was a real peach. That poor brave trooper screamed bloody murder at anyone who came near her arm, more out of fear than pain (but who knows, 4-year-olds aren’t too articulate when it comes to deciphering why they are absolutely losing their sh*t). You’d think I was swinging her around by her arm if you didn’t come in and see that I was just standing near reaching my arm over to press play on the iPad, accidentally grazing her leg (not arm). The nurses were horrified and impressed, which is probably why we were in and out in less than 2 hours. But there is nothing quite like having to hold down your broken boned 4-year-old screaming daughter so that two nurses can put a splint on her. We talked about it, she understood why I had to and I of course mostly talked about how brave she is, as she remembers it “only kinda hurting”. HAHAHAHA
  5. What now? Brian is taking her to LA to get a cast today with celebrity orthopedic Surgeon Oh Bob (@bobbybobOh Joy’s husband – how am I JUST now calling him Oh Bob???). I called Joy asking for a referral and he was like “come to me!” which is awesome. I’m just wondering if we should do waterproof cast (that might be itchy) or normal (that might be miserable to bathe her in). I suppose I have to choose her discomfort over my inconvenience (or vice versa) for 5 weeks.

Brian’s brother is an orthopedic surgeon, too (and he knows Oh Bob!) and he helped us throughout which was just so amazing. Thanks, Pat!

Look at that little warrior. She is SO proud of herself. Also if you need to convince your children that breaking a bone is a positive thing you can tell them what my brother Ken told both my kids years ago (and they have retained). He said that when you break your bone it grows back together stronger. He knows this because that’s what MMA and Thai fighters do in the offseason. Uncle Pat (orthopedic surgeon) didn’t agree when Birdie told him that, but I shut him right up, concurring with Uncle Ken’s MMA story. So for now, she is going to have a VERY strong right elbow, which will come in handy (!!) as that will be the new handshake for a while.

Meanwhile, a lot of you asked about our masks on Instastory. I ordered mine from an Etsy seller who I had collaborated with before on projects – Bramble workshop out of Portland, and they are hand-dyed shibori and so cute (kinda expensive, but if you can afford to shop small please do). We also linked a bunch of others that we like on the interweb down below.

But before you go – any tips for broken bones? Our neighbor came over and brought watercolor paints (having just took a cast off of her son) and told us to tape paper to the table and it’s so much easier. So any other tips like that would be awesome. She’ll be fine, we’ll all be fine – I’m obviously just glad it wasn’t worse and so grateful for those working on the front lines.

1. Organic Cotton Face Masks | 2. Fabric Face Mask With Filter | 3. Face Mask | 4. Eco Adult Mask | 5. Protective Mask |6. KES Sustainable Washable Face Mask | 7. Summer Picnic Fabric Face Mask | 8. Linen Face Mask | 9. Cloth Face Mask | 10. Cherries Adult MasQini Face Mask  | 11. Reusable Cotton Mask (2 Pack) | 12. Bow Face Mask | 13. The Wake Up & Fight Mask | 14. Sentry Face Mask | 15. The Sustainable Mask

Okay, that’s all the excitement the Henderson’s have for you today. Again, if you have any tips for broken bones let me know in the comments. xx

The post How Birdie Broke Her Arm + Where To Buy Cute Face Masks Since Everyone Asked appeared first on Emily Henderson.

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