Thứ Sáu, 22 tháng 5, 2020

My Style: Meg Matthews

Meg Matthews, the founder of vlog MegsMenopause, which shines a light on a subject so often hidden, is loving lockdown and not having to worry about what she looks like

My Style: Meg Matthews

Meg Matthews

What are you working at while you’re in lockdown?

I have been finishing off my book The New Hot which is out in October. It’s written but the illustrator had to make a few final tweaks. It’s looking amazing!

What’s keeping you entertained?

Hollywood on Netflix with Margot Robbie (I loved it!), After Life and Normal People have been keeping me entertained in the evening.

Any Instagram feeds you’re loving at the moment?

Yes, I am obsessed with Glennnon Doyle – she is my new girl crush. Her books are phenomenal. She speaks from the heart and has an impressive following including Oprah and Reese Witherspoon.

Whose style do you really admire?

Kate Moss always.

Bottega Veneta

As you’re working from home, what is your daily uniform?

I’m wearing sweats…! Gymshark leggings, as they are a bargain, a Nike sports bra and Sweaty Betty top with perforated sleeves which I love as it fits so well. My Balenciaga trainers are great for walking my dog Ziggy in Regents Park early every morning.

Do you have any words of wisdom for working from home?

Ninety nine per cent of people I’ve spoken to are really enjoying working from home. I like that I’m not wearing makeup and don’t need to worry about going to the salon for a blow dry! I can just be completely myself and dedicate my time to work. Plus, I’m saving a fortune… It’s freeing!

What outfit is making you feel your best self at the moment?

Right now I’m wearing a Coach cashmere lime green sweater with a dinosaur on the front which always makes people smile and my old school baggy Levis from the 90s (Engineered Jeans 570).

What are you wearing for any Zoom/Skype meetings?

Casual style is always the best for me. When I do my Instagram lives I put on makeup and wear a nice top but it’s most likely I have sweat pants underneath as you can’t see my bottom half.

Portrait of a lady

What have you rediscovered in your wardrobe?

I was sorting out all my jumpers last week and I noticed four cashmere sweaters which I forgot I had! I really love cashmere, especially if it’s bright.

Power dressing: what outfit makes you feel like you can conquer the world?

Three things instantly make an outfit for me… My new Valentino red thick belt, my Bottega Veneta padded cassette bag and my all-time favourite perfume, Frederic Malle’s Portrait of a Lady.

Has being at home made you think about the way you buy or consume products?

Yes, absolutely. I have had one takeaway in the whole of lockdown. I’ve basically been going to find fresh produce from Whole Foods or Planet Organic every three days. I buy what I need now and have no food waste – unlike before when I would do a big Ocado online shop, order way too much and often have to throw food away. I hate food waste so it always made me feel guilty.

Three items that would really pick you up if they were delivered to your door?

A big bunch of peonies from Nikki Tibbles Wild at Heart; Pietro Simone Skincare products – his clinic is in Belgravia and we were getting my skin ready for laser before lockdown. I’m running out of the products I’ve been using, so would love some more; and my favourite candle Pink porcelain Nympholia candle by Overose, from Browns.It smells divine and it’s pink so goes well with my pink colour scheme at home!

Overose candle

What about your beauty regime? Have you changed anything and which products are making you feel good?

What I’ve been really loving is having a bath every night with lavender epsom salts followed by Weleda lavender oil all over my body. I forgot how good Weleda products are until recently. They are cheap, organic and easy to order on Amazon. The lavender relaxing bath milk is good too.

What are you wearing for your daily exercise?

Mostly Sweaty Betty workout gear and Nike Zoom running trainers. The same Mo Farah wears. If they are good enough for Mo, they are good enough for me!

Nike Air Zoom

What are your tips for getting motivated?

Struggling here… Please could you give them to me….? Everyone is promising the big reveal after lockdown but some days I find it a struggle to feel motivated. I’m an early riser and that helps. Plus, my dog Ziggy is a good motivator as he loves long walks.

What are you most enjoying about WFH?

Freedom and not worrying about how I look.

When you are able to go on your next holiday where will you go?

LA. I was there in January and I’m itching to go back. I love the sunshine, the light and the lifestyle.

Three items you never go on holiday without?

S.W.A.L.K. Premium Hyaluronic Acid Serum; Motion Lotion – Water Based Intimate Lubricant and Blossom Lave – Intimate Wash, all available from Meg’s Menopause shop.

What will you be wearing for the party when we’re all allowed outside again?

Something from Studio B. It’s a curated womenswear retail platform for independent, new and niche brands. They have the most amazing dresses.

Studio B


Alice Temperley / Tamara Ralph / Mary Katrantzou / David Koma / Jade Holland Cooper

The post My Style: Meg Matthews appeared first on What's On? By C&TH.

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